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Guangdong agricultural products shine in Italy for more export opportunities

2024-05-20 02:00:52 [行业动态] 来源:星云影视网站

Guangdong agricultural products shine in Italy for more export opportunities_南方+_南方plus

Guangdong black tea served in porcelain tea cups, fresh litchi shining in crystal bowls, steaming pre-made cuisines, a fashion show with mixed beauty of Chinese and western styles... On July 12, a promotion event featuring a series of Guangdong agricultural products kicked off in Rome, the capital of Italy.


Representatives of members from China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and the Italian Trade Agency, related industrial associations, supermarkets, foodies and media outlets were invited to enjoy an array of Guangdong delicacies. More importantly, they worked together to explore the opportunities for Guangdong agricultural products to export to Europe.


"Guangdong litchi and the black tea are absolutely an ideal pair to enjoy for afternoon tea," Umberto Naddei, a member of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce shared his recent experience of visiting the litchi orchard and tea gardens in Guangdong. He also furthered the ways of tasting tea and the tea processing techniques, highly recommending the guests to enjoy Guangdong black tea in their daily lives.


"Litchi boosts intestinal function and also supports the immune system, and they have anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties, while protecting the heart and blood vessels." Elsa Napolano, an Italian nutritionist explained the function of litchi in the event.


"Guangdong's black tea perfectly matches a variety of desserts," Serena Ranieri, Italian internet celebrity marveled. "The litchi can be used in a lot of occasions. For example, it can serve as an ingredient for dishes and wine," she said.

The guests gave positive feedback on the promotion event, implying that they got to know more Guangdong delicacies through the tasting activity. When it comes to the export of Guangdong agricultural products to Italy, they suggested that related enterprises should participate in some international exhibitions or hold promotion events worldwide to explore more opportunities for the agricultural cooperation between the two sides.


Moreover, brochures featuring export enterprises of litchi, black tea and pre-made food from Guangdong were provided at the event, so that guests could contact the companies for further cooperation.


By virtue of the Belt and Road Initiative and RCEP, more Guangdong agricultural products are expanding their international markets. Thus far, Guangdong litchi has been exported to more than 20 countries and regions. In 2022, Guangdong exported up to 4,000 tons of tea, worth 470 million RMB. The teas, especially oolong tea and black tea, were mainly exported to Hong Kong and Macao SARs, Japan, Malaysia, the United States, Germany and Canada.

Reporter | Nancy Ye

Editors | Olivia, Nan, Will, Abby, Jerry


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